A friend in the retro community offered these up for some fun during the Christmas break.. Rest of parts ordered! Colecovision Reprogrammable Card https://github.com/aotta/PiCOLECO Atari 8 bit Pico Cart https://github.com/robinhedwards/A8PicoCart…
In my yearly pilgramage to the Orlando Hamcatiob 2024, pocket full of dollars and some good shoes, I went looking for the deals. I was not disapointed. This post will…
Afternoon delivery from Amazon today, not the normal ride. Driver had recently been given one of these and he seems happy with it. It is VERY amazon(ed) from the color…
Florida's largest arcade, pinball, and console show Step back to a time when friends gathered together for games, ate pizza, speculated about alligators in the sewer, and went home when…
The classical way to retro wifi modem Retro Wifi Hayes modem There are a few products out that do this same task, but this one does it with class. Being…
HIALEAH, Fla. -- A teenager with a brown belt in karate used a samurai sword to scare off a burglar who was after his PlayStation 3 video game console.Last Friday…
The Michigan State Police Paw Paw Post and Van Buren County Central Dispatch began receiving strange reports of a man in a wheelchair being pushed by a semi truck on…
This isn't mine, but this is what I would like it look like, once its all installed. Another load of equipment arrived today. Bit by bit I get the parts…
Some of the Holy See buildings will start using solar energy, reflecting Pope Benedict XVI's worry about squandering the Earth's resources, a engineer says. The roof of the Paul VI…
2009 model year CTS-v. Supercharged LS7 7.0-liter - about 600 horses. Gonna put the smack down on the Mustang drivers that think they are somthing. Read all about it here
You Are An ENTP The Visionary, You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything.Happy to be the…
Well, they're are almost here. The shipment arrived at its first location. My 8 Kyocera KC-130 solar panels are sitting pretty with another 30 that belong to someone else. Soon.…
MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. -- A manager of a fast food restaurant ended up in the hospital with gunshot wounds after a dispute over some chili sauce. Investigators said a man…