B-Squares have arrived!

Got my B-Square box in from Hong Kong today.  This was a project that I helped fund on Kickstarter.  It took a long while to get here, but it is now!

B-Squares is a 3D modular electronics system with an emphasis on (but not limited to) solar power and expandable energy storage.  Each Square has a magnetic contact on each of the corners which allows the Squares to easily snap together without wires.  The magnetic contacts are also used to transmit electric signals between the Squares.  This design allows users to quickly assemble Squares into arrays, with power flowing through the array via the corner contact, without wiring or soldering.  Also, due to the use of multiple magnetic contacts on each Square, the overall circuit of the array can quickly be changed simply by rotating one of the Squares – for instance, the color of the LED Square can change with a flip or a rotation.

What is “3D” about B-Squares?  The Squares aren’t restricted to being connected side-to-side in a single plane, but can also be stacked on top of or perpendicular one another.  Think of it like a deck of electric cards that you can use to make 2D or 3D card houses and have the electricity flow through the entire array.



I'm kind of a big deal.

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