Typical re certification stamp:
MM -> 2 digit re certification month
XXX ->3 character Re-qualifier’s registration number
YY -> 2 digit re certification year
E ->States the cylinder has been externally examined
WC -> Water capacity of the cylinder.
TW -> Tare weight of the cylinder (what the tank weighs empty)
ICC, DOT, BTE, CTC or TC -> Specification number eg. TC4BA240
10 89 -> Date of manufacture (October. 1989)
Propane cylinders must be re certified every 10 years. This means that the relief valve must be replaced and the cylinder must be visually inspected. A new stamp in embedded into the steel collar to show the latest inspection date. In order to replace the relief valve, the cylinder must be completely empty of propane. If the cylinder is not empty when brought to be re certified, the propane must be burnt off.
Propane cylinders may not be re certifiable due to excessive rust, pitting, gouging, or denting. Cylinders are not re certifiable if they have been involved in a fire, show signs of bulging, dented welds, or collars or foot rings that are broken or damaged.