In my yearly pilgramage to the Orlando Hamcatiob 2024, pocket full of dollars and some good shoes, I went looking for the deals. I was not disapointed.
This post will be about a UHF DMR radio I found in the swaps building. Friday they were listed at 100$ , but by sat, they were 50$.

The seller didnt have a whole lot of info, but had one running, and it REALLY felt like a TYT 380, including the same “welcome” graphic so common with those. He TELLS me that he put a code plug in each, using the MD380 CPS (which I have been unable to duplicate) But I *WAS* able to read and write using EditCP
I was also able to use that tool to install MD380 tools and the KD4Z tools and the radio seems to work fine.
Unable to get the OpenGD77 firmware to work, but thats ok, for 50$, its a LOT of DMR. Just wish I could get something else, and even cooler if I could get some M17 firmware running, you know, for science.