N Scale Train set remodel.

Its been 25 years ago that it was born, in the garage of Mr Hal Avey. Many years have taken its toll on the poor layout, and I've finally decided…

Just up the trail from me….

Cabinetmaker Jeff Sonksen paints portraits on Seminole Wekiva Trail. He has quite a talent, and I've got a project I hope he'll be interested in. Its just a mile and…

Moved all my servers to ESXi

Finally made the jump this weekend! I've spent the past 3 or 4 months experimenting with VMWare's ESXi. For those that don't know, ESXi is a "bare metal hypervisor" which…

B-Squares have arrived!

Got my B-Square box in from Hong Kong today.  This was a project that I helped fund on Kickstarter.  It took a long while to get here, but it is…

Fantastic frugal quotes

“Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” – Benjamin Franklin “He who does not economize will have to agonize.” – Confucius “The safe way to…

Ruger 10/22 issues.

While at the range today, my 10/22 had a ton of mag issues.  Seemed like there was no spring pressure left.  Didn't have a 9/64th allen with me to open…