B-Squares have arrived!

Got my B-Square box in from Hong Kong today.  This was a project that I helped fund on Kickstarter.  It took a long while to get here, but it is…

Fantastic frugal quotes

“Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” – Benjamin Franklin “He who does not economize will have to agonize.” – Confucius “The safe way to…

Ruger 10/22 issues.

While at the range today, my 10/22 had a ton of mag issues.  Seemed like there was no spring pressure left.  Didn't have a 9/64th allen with me to open…

Icom H16 Radio Programming

Here’s all the programming info for the Icom U-16. (The H-16, V-100 and U-400 are programmed in the same way. There are some slight differences between the H-16/U-16 keypad and…

Kitchen aid Mixer/Veg slicer vs potatoes

Everyone loves potatoes, am I right?   I just took a visit to the Kitchen-Aid Experience in Greenville, Ohio, and purchased some new attachments for the machine. Today's project was to…