A friend in the retro community offered these up for some fun during the Christmas break.. Rest of parts ordered! Colecovision Reprogrammable Card https://github.com/aotta/PiCOLECO Atari 8 bit Pico Cart https://github.com/robinhedwards/A8PicoCart…
In my yearly pilgramage to the Orlando Hamcatiob 2024, pocket full of dollars and some good shoes, I went looking for the deals. I was not disapointed. This post will…
Afternoon delivery from Amazon today, not the normal ride. Driver had recently been given one of these and he seems happy with it. It is VERY amazon(ed) from the color…
Florida's largest arcade, pinball, and console show Step back to a time when friends gathered together for games, ate pizza, speculated about alligators in the sewer, and went home when…
The classical way to retro wifi modem Retro Wifi Hayes modem There are a few products out that do this same task, but this one does it with class. Being…
ALL S MINT COINS- S mint coins were proofs to begin with and are very rarely in circulation Pennies 1908 or earlier 1909-1958 Wheat pennies Many errors in this list…
Got the new truck back onto a fuel treatment. https://www.bellperformance.com/ is a local company that has been around for many years, and I have used several of their products over…
I have a love and hate relationship with this printer, this is my second, the first just stopped working, and they sent me a new one. Its been pretty good,…
I boot my hosts from a usb drive (The hosts have no local storage) This process causes this error: fetch_fixed_disk_status: fetch VSI_NODE_storage_scsifw_devices_smart_healthStatus(t10.SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit______ 4C532000061012110161) failed Not supported, reporting unknown status…
After some recent upgrades: Esxi 6.5 FreeNAS FreeNAS-9.10.2-U3 (e1497f269) I noticed myself getting spammed with messages like: May 4 13:21:42 2017-05-04T17:21:42.306Z serverblade1.robpatton.com vmkwarning: cpu0:67660)WARNING: ScsiDeviceIO: 6462: The Physical block…
I decided to upgrade my trailer to electric brakes, but I needed to know what weight the axles were. Interwebs, to the rescue. https://www.etrailer.com/question-18434.html Typical Axle Diameters Based on Axle…
Turns out quite a few of the Kohler Courage 19HP motors have an issue with vibrations loosening the bolts, and then the case/block cracks from the vibrations. Well, guess who…
\ Cessna 182 Cessna wheels/floats Air Airplane BuddyRC Link to Model ME-163 Roket Damaged Air Airplane Durafly Link to Model ME-163 Roket 2 Air Airplane Durafly Link to Model…
Charles has a Power Wheels Jeep that is about 2.5 years old. It doesn't get used much by just him, but when we have company or when the neighborhood kids…