DNS – Does Not Suck

It has been a long time since Bill was over, and we attempted some fantastic food project, till Saturday.   We started with scallops, then shifted towards our own person…

A crook gets whats due

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - Bill Barnes says he was scratching off a losing $2 lottery ticket inside a gas station when he felt a hand slip into his front-left pants…

Unconditional love is amazing

I've learned today how powerful unconditional love really is. We had a terrible day Wednesday, and I found that it would be easier to just go out and drive around…


We've suffered a great loss this morning. For those that may not already know, Buddy (Puppy, Poopy, etc) Dug his way to freedom Monday night while we were away. We…

Dog Damn it

So, Monday at 8:16pm, Buddy (the dog) Dug his way to freedom. Obviously he wasn't sure what to do with his freedom so he walked around a bit, then sat…

From my best recalection, it has been nearly three decades since I had an eye exam. Mind you, I find no fault in my baby blues, but since I have…