Electric trailer brake conversion project

I decided to upgrade my trailer to electric brakes, but I needed to know what weight the axles were. Interwebs, to the rescue. https://www.etrailer.com/question-18434.html Typical Axle Diameters Based on Axle…

My RC collection

\ Cessna 182 Cessna wheels/floats Air Airplane BuddyRC Link to Model ME-163 Roket Damaged Air Airplane Durafly Link to Model ME-163 Roket 2   Air Airplane Durafly Link to Model…

Its running!

A few hours of cleanup and some reverse engineering to sort out the things my father had done over the years, and we have success.  Many repairs still need to…

Finally, IN the car

Had some troubles with the doors after the trip, shook enough crap loose on the trip, that the doors wouldn't open any more. Luckily the hinges are external, and we…

Project Subaru has begun!

The Subaru 360 was the first automobile mass-produced by Fuji Heavy Industries' Subaru division. A number of innovative features were used to design a very small and inexpensive car to…