Posted inLife Stuff
Posted inMoney Precious Metals
Coins to look for, the latest version
ALL S MINT COINS- S mint coins were proofs to begin with and are very rarely in circulation Pennies 1908 or earlier 1909-1958 Wheat pennies Many errors in this list…
Posted inTransportation
Deezol Project
Got the new truck back onto a fuel treatment. is a local company that has been around for many years, and I have used several of their products over…
Posted inFixing broken stuff Tech
Leitz Icon printer – No Cartridge Loaded
I have a love and hate relationship with this printer, this is my second, the first just stopped working, and they sent me a new one. Its been pretty good,…
Posted inTech Virtualization VMWare FreeNAS
VMWare host SMART error on usb
I boot my hosts from a usb drive (The hosts have no local storage) This process causes this error: fetch_fixed_disk_status: fetch VSI_NODE_storage_scsifw_devices_smart_healthStatus(t10.SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit______ 4C532000061012110161) failed Not supported, reporting unknown status…
FREENAS and VMWARE storage troubles..
After some recent upgrades: Esxi 6.5 FreeNAS FreeNAS-9.10.2-U3 (e1497f269) I noticed myself getting spammed with messages like: May 4 13:21:42 2017-05-04T17:21:42.306Z vmkwarning: cpu0:67660)WARNING: ScsiDeviceIO: 6462: The Physical block…
Posted inCars
Electric trailer brake conversion project
I decided to upgrade my trailer to electric brakes, but I needed to know what weight the axles were. Interwebs, to the rescue. Typical Axle Diameters Based on Axle…
Posted inFixing broken stuff
Kohler Courage 19 Project.
Turns out quite a few of the Kohler Courage 19HP motors have an issue with vibrations loosening the bolts, and then the case/block cracks from the vibrations. Well, guess who…
Posted inRC Planes/Helicopters
My RC collection
\ Cessna 182 Cessna wheels/floats Air Airplane BuddyRC Link to Model ME-163 Roket Damaged Air Airplane Durafly Link to Model ME-163 Roket 2 Air Airplane Durafly Link to Model…
Posted inLife Stuff Tech
Upgrading the Power Wheels Jeep
Charles has a Power Wheels Jeep that is about 2.5 years old. It doesn't get used much by just him, but when we have company or when the neighborhood kids…