Tony Soprano never had it this good.


So, here at the Patton household, we’re known for some pretty crazy involved cooking projects. Friday/Saturday was yet another of those. 4 Jars of starter tomato sauce, 5 pounds of ground beef, 3 pounds of itallian sausage, 10 pounds of motzorella cheese, and 6 pounds of Ricotta, with 4 boxes of Lasagna Noodles, Oh yea, and a CUP of garlic perhaps a tad more. Bill, our resident Itallian, came over and we started this process again, since it had been (gasp) 3 years. The process, so involved, we’re not able to eat the food the same day we make it. Dinner that night was sauce and rigatoni, just to get us primed. We made a total of 6 Lasagnas, which 5 were cooked and frozen, to be enjoyed later. The remaining ended up being dinner for 7. Good times.


I'm kind of a big deal.

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