I've crossed another milestone, a new record has been set here. A new peak output, I've produced 16amps of 120v during the day on solar. Next step should get me…
In playing around tonight, I put together a new version of the software, as well as a voice enabled monitor for it similar to the one at http://home.robpatton.com Its avail…
With all the new changes around the place, as well as the Solar Power projects moving forward, it was just time to replace the Load Center in the house. For…
So what does this mean? This means that my solar power system was creating 11amps of 120V power, sending it to my house to be used. What does it really…
So now that the rains have stopped, and my ark has come to rest, I am able to finally get this solar hot water heater project complete. Enter Brad from…
The Florida Public Service Commission has “unanimously and enthusiastically” approved a plan to build America’s largest commercial solar-power plant in the state. The committee also gave the green light to…