Load Center Change out

With all the new changes around the place, as well as the Solar Power projects moving forward, it was just time to replace the Load Center in the house.  For those that don’t know what that is, its the breaker panel you run to when your blow dryer blows a breaker.  I’ve added so much stuff to the house, my 1973 load center was just overloaded with things that wanted space.  As a cool note, everything (except the AC) in the house was kept running today. So today, for 6 hours, my house was entirely solar powered!

So here is the start mess, subpanel and all


This is in the middle, new panel in, but not wired up yet.


And this is the final Product, bottom left are the new GFIs



I'm kind of a big deal.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. iwritetherulesi

    Impressive. Nice work! Clean look!

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