Ham Radio BT mic

Ham Radio BT mic

Saw this for sale cheap on amazon.com, figured I'd give it a shot. So far I've been fairly impressed, for 26$ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9QLQNDY That bind process was hit and miss (mostly…
Midland LMR followup

Midland LMR followup

Followup to a post from a week ago, where I found and started documenting some of my old Midland LMR parts. Today I found my tote of Z-273 moldules, and…
Revisiting radios from my past

Revisiting radios from my past

These were the readios in use many years ago, when sent out to pasture (surplus), these made great low cost high power amazing duty cycle radios for HAM use. Many…
Some projects in for soldering practice!

Some projects in for soldering practice!

A friend in the retro community offered these up for some fun during the Christmas break.. Rest of parts ordered! Colecovision Reprogrammable Card https://github.com/aotta/PiCOLECO Atari 8 bit Pico Cart https://github.com/robinhedwards/A8PicoCart…
The Hayes Retromodem

The Hayes Retromodem

The classical way to retro wifi modem Retro Wifi Hayes modem There are a few products out that do this same task, but this one does it with class. Being…