I finally got one!


From time to time, I just fall prey to something stupid, that I just have GOT to have. With the release of the Simpsons movie, Fox had made 100 Special edition Xbox 360s, in a special simpsons paint scheme. Being so rare, these things went CRAZY on ebay. The highest (so far) went for over 4000$

First auction attempt was ended shortly before it was completed. A fraud, a hacked account.

Second auction attempt completed. I sent the funds via paypal, then things looked fishy. Not a verified user, hotmail email address, shill bidding. I filed a dispute within a few moments, which locked the funds, pending rcpt of the item. What most people don’t realize, and Paypal doesn’t really explain so well, is that yes, you are protected, up to 200$. You are only protected OVER 200$ if the seller has 50 or more pos feedback. This user did not. 36 hours after the auction ended, and I paid, the auction VANISHED. It was if it had never happened. So I sit and wait for Paypal to unlock my funds.

Let this be a valuable lesson to you as ebay buyers.

Not bright enough to give up, I tried once again. I found on in Florida, and begin an email exchange with the seller. Seems real, offers “local” pickup, and represents himself as a Police Officer. With the power of the internet, I’m able to find This lovely news story of an officer involved in a dual tazing traffic stop He does an incredible job of keeping his cool during the event. Oh the power of google.

Hopefully it will all work out, may take a week to get synced up with the guy. I’ll make sure I don’t speed once I get there, Being tazed would piss me off.

And no, I didn’t pay $4000.00 With the normal prices going from $1000-$1500, I paid a LOT less.

UPDATE!   Its saturday night, and its HERE!   It was a long boring drive to Yehaw Junction, but it was worth it.


I'm kind of a big deal.

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