Our week with Marley

Update, well, the listing on craigslist was gone, but now I see there is a new one up at http://orlando.craigslist.org/pet/456107827.html


So we were given the pleasure of having a new dog last weekend. Marley is 4.5 years old, and quite a beautiful dog. He just LOVES carrots and apples more than anything else. Its quite amazing to see what he will do for apple pieces. He was the most perfect dog a boy could hope for, and everyone in the house (other than Loki) just loved him.

Sadly, Marley and I weren’t quite getting along, as we should, so we talked to his first parents, and they were kind enough to come back for him, and find him a new home. Seeing him go made us both sad, but have agreed its for the best. We wish Marley all the best in his new home. He was quite a special dog and we’ll miss him


Here is his new listing


I'm kind of a big deal.

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