Expiring SSL Cert Self Signed Centos 7

Expiring SSL Cert Self Signed Centos 7

################# SSL Certificate Warning ################ Certificate for hostname 'webhost', in file (or by nickname): /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt The certificate needs to be renewed; this can be done using the 'genkey' program. Browsers…

When your server cert key expires

Renewing a Self-signed cert on Centos Started getting a warning email every day.. ################# SSL Certificate Warning ################ Certificate for hostname ‘webhost’, in file (or by nickname):/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt The certificate needs…

Certwatch errors resolved

I have been getting daily errors from certwatch, and I've just been ignoring them.  Today I decided not to, any more.   ################# SSL Certificate Warning ################ Certificate for hostname…