After 6 months of sitting on the shelf, @KC4HAD convinced me to sit down and make this thing work.
openSPOT is a standalone digital radio IP gateway / hotspot

Key features:
- Supports DMR (Brandmeister, DMRplus), D-Star (DCS, REF/DPlus, XRF/DExtra, XLX), System Fusion (FCS, YSFReflector) networks. More supported networks and features will be available with new firmware releases.
- Supports cross modem modes. Talk with your C4FM radio on DMR, and with your DMR radio on System Fusion networks!
- Very easy to use, works without a computer. No additional hardware required, works out of the box. All accessories included.
- Web interface for configuration and monitoring.
- HTTP, UDP/TCP API support.
- Custom 2FSK/4FSK RF protocol support with TDMA.
- USB powered, low energy consumption, 20mW RF output.
- Create your own private radio network using our open source server application.
- Runs fully embedded software written in pure C, running on an embedded real time operating system. No Linux, bulky Windows software or failing SD cards
One of the most interesting parts of this (for me) is getting a current status log, with user info, etc. Kinda fun..