These were the readios in use many years ago, when sent out to pasture (surplus), these made great low cost high power amazing duty cycle radios for HAM use. Many a ham had these for public safety, ARES RACES, etc etc.
Keeping in mind that these were not as simple as the usb and free CPS software that we have now a days, anyone that wanted to maintain these radios needed some special tools for the job.
I give you, a pair of Midland LMR test sets, a 70-1000 programmer, and a 70-1308A cable. Later this was replaced with the 70-1000x, but to begin, this was as involved program a rom, then wipe a rom (with the included UV eraser) then copy, change, paste, repeat. process.
More files can be found at
A follow up post to be made after I find one other lost box of parts…